Back From Hell 1990 Album
3.25 • 0
I've been revisiting/listening to what I've missed from Run-D.M.C.'s discography and this is one I'd listened to and rated too low. I was probably influenced by the rep this has. Like most Run albums do (after the lackluster intro, 'Sucker D.J.'s'), this starts really well. The sampling on the first two full songs is exceptional with 'The Ave.' being cited as having eleven samples on and 'What's It All About' having nine samples, with the most notable one being the brilliant 'Fools Gold' by The Stone Roses. Some of the bars on the anti-racism 'Faces' reminds me of the rap in MJ's 'Black or White'. Along with 'Faces', 'Pause' and 'Not Just Another Groove' fall into the new jack swing genre seeing Run chasing the trends of the era. From a group who stayed fairly true to themselves for four albums, it's odd hearing those songs. They aren't too bad though. We also hear more cursing and perhaps a higher percentage of songs about social topics compared to Run's previous projects. 'Pause' is an anti-drug song which is hypocritical given what some of the members of this group were up to. Elsewhere, 'Don't Stop' is one of Run's best songs. The hook and bridge are so damn catchy. I've loved it since I heard it many years back on a video game soundtrack. 'P Upon a Tree' is a short reggae song/comedy interlude about needing to urinate... 'Naughty' has some more enjoyable production with the horns working well to break up the chorus and verses. That's probably where the album should've finished. As with Run's previous albums before this, the tail isn't a strength with three party tracks finishing the album. From someone who has never been enamoured with early hip hop instrumentation, compared to their earlier albums, I think this is another step up in that department. A lot of the sampling works well and as I found with 'Tougher Than Leather', there are just a lot more elements to the instrumentation than you get with Run's earlier music. It's overhated. Beats: ★★★☆ Rapping/Bars: ★★★☆ Hooks: ★★★☆ Best Tracks: The Ave, What's It All About, Don't Stop 1. Sucker D.J.'s 30 2. The Ave. 80 3. What's It All About 85 4. Bob Your Head 72 5. Faces 64 6. Kick the Frama Lama Lama 60 7. Pause 54 8. Word Is Born 76 9. Back from Hell 79 10. Don't Stop 100 11. Groove to the Sound 70 12. P Upon a Tree - 13. Naughty 76 14. Livin' in the City 60 15. Not Just Another Groove 50 16. Party Time 52
Reason for report