Bloodrock 1970 Album
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Most people that dare come into contact with Bloodrock swear up and down this is the only record worth hearing, which isn't true. Rolling Stone Record Guide went as far as to award all Bloodrock records 0 stars out of 5 (is that possible?). I think Jann Wenner got up on the wrong side of the bed that day. Still, the monstrous Bloodrock sound is not quite there yet. The first side comes at you as blunt as the rock smashing that glass window to a bloody mess on the cover, thanks to a glut of thunderous riff-rockers like "Castle of Thoughts", "Gotta Find a Way", and "Double Cross". This was the only record throaty lead singer Jim Rutledge played drums on (and fairly well), and he's ably backed by Stevie Hill's ghoulish organ runs and Lee Pickens stinging lead guitar attacks. It bogs down towards the end of the record ("Fantastic Piece of Architecture" definitely doesn't meet that description), but overall, a credible debut.
Reason for report