Crystal Logic 1983 Album
3.25 • 0
I don't understand why everyone has this record in the underrated column. These guys pirated the Black Sabbath template - play heavy music, fronted by a lead singer with a weird, vulnerable voice - and applied it to the 80's metal scene without much (if any) input from the major recording industry. Somehow, they forged a career out of it. Kudos to them. That doesn't mean Crystal Logic is an album you should go out of your way to hear. It's a plodding, weighed-down document that's like a smoked and heavy-psyched out version of death metal records from the same period, but not in a good way. Part of the problem is Shelton whose presence is disturbing, and part of it is the sound of the band, which also fits neatly into the whole alienation trip Shelton appears to be on.
Reason for report