Dinner and a Movie 2010 Album
3 • 0
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Like with many conceptual albums I've listened to, I don't completely think the story the artist is trying to tell works as well as they'd hope. However, Brotha Lynch has said in an interview that it should make more sense and come together over the next two albums which will finish the trilogy. Anyway, track for track this is a fairly solid horrorcore album. There is nothing too weak, some nice tracks that are mentioned below and overall while the beats do feel a bit too alike they are fairly bangin'. Like I said, not really feeling the story makes the skits feel pointless, but I guess in this digital age it's not that big a deal. As with most horrocore, the lyrics can become a lil' repetitive which bring the album down a tad for me, however, there are enough tracks I enjoy enough to give this a reasonable rating. Worth checking out even if you may need to hit the skip button a few times. Best Tracks: Colostomy Bag, Murder Over Hard, I Tried to Commit Suicide, Meat, I Plotted (My Next Murder)
Reason for report