Doggystyle 1993 Album
4.33 • 0
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The debut presented the artist in the absolute perfect scenario - producer, material, collaborators, lyrics, etc - to come up with the first multi-million selling gangsta rap album. And maybe it was too perfect. Because upon repeated listings, there are a lot of warts on this prince-from-frog, but the main thing was, it ain't no fun….Umm anyway - rap's most anticipated release from 1993 has to be deemed classic through a pleasantly fogged lens.
A good album from one of the most well-known rappers ever, but I don't think this should ever get spoken about with the best of the best in the genre. All the skits make this feel really sluggish, and while there are a handful that aren't too far away, I think 'Who Am I (What's My Name)?'] is the only absolutely brilliant song here. It's one of my favourite songs of all time so maybe it's just hard for the rest to live up to it... I can't deny some of these beats are brilliant though. Lots of fun but I don't go back to a lot of it often. Best Tracks: Gin and Juice, Murder Was the Case, Serial Killa, Who Am I?, Ain't No Fun, Doggy Dogg World, Pump Pump
Reason for report