Evolution of a Man 2009 Album
3 • 0
This lacks the consistency of his last album with a portion of this album a tad uneventful but there are still enough nice tracks on offer to be satisfied with. The production is all done by Brian McKnight himself which is a first, however, he did do a large majority of his previous studio album so the overall sound isn't a huge amount different. Like 'Ten', and unlike many other mainstream R&B artists, Brian doesn't go for any hip hop influenced production - apart from 'Next2U' that features a rap. Overall, if you enjoy Brian's previous work you'll like what's on offer here. It does drop off a bit throughout the last few tracks but overall it's a good 3 out of 5. Best Tracks: WhatI'vebeenwaiting4, Neversaygoodbye, Next2U, Imissu
Reason for report