Extra Phish 2024 Album
3.5 • 0
This is another worthy album produced by Televangel. MILC and the features ride the beats well enough., but as I've said before, it would, and would've, been amazing if he/Blue Sky Black Death worked with rappers at the top of the tree and with more of an x-factor. It's a highly consistent album. If I was to rate each song, they'd all be hovering around that 70-80/100 mark which made it a challenge to choose the best tracks. I just think the ones below have a bit more energy to them. There isn't a WOW song to make me come back to this though. Beats: ★★★☆ Rapping/Bars: ★★★ Hooks: ★★☆ Best Tracks: Searching for Bobby Fischer, Fish Soup
Reason for report