Get Your Wings 1974 Album
3.75 • 0
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The Aerosmith we know and sneered at everyone else really begins here, at their second album, in a number of phases. Most importantly, the group establishes a long relationship with producer Jack Douglas - mainly because Bob Ezrin was too busy with Alice Cooper at the time - but so what, because Jack and the boys worked together just fine, as it turned out. The album itself is almost there - every track is impactful, yet in the back of one's mind some random link or characteristic is missing which would group this all together, and easily throw it up with the best of the best - but it's hard to pinpoint what that link exactly is. After a while, it's better to lock yourself into one wicked guitar groove after another, because tracks one through six do not let up in that department. Maybe, at the end of the day, the only real (minor) beef with this one are the last two tracks, while interesting, let up as far as the Groove goes.
Reason for report