Gimme Dat Ding! 1970 Album
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This bizarre little novelty from the U.K. hit the charts in 1970, and was essentially a songwriter/factory sort of creation based on the one-hit wonder “Gimme Dat Ding!” Because of that success, eventually an album was released. The music collected here is a real throwback – basically, think vaudeville or Tin Pan Alley, played on a rinky-dink piano. The vocalists attempt to be outrageous by 1970 standards – the “singer” has a high-pitched, goofy whine, while the “speaker” has a street-wise grumble that’s a cross between Cockney and New Yorker. The run time is really short – something like 26 and a half minutes – so it won’t kill you to sample this at least once, although I wouldn’t blame if you did, and then thought, “what in the…?” The title track, admittedly, is a stupid novelty item I remember from my childhood, but it is just as dated as everything else on this platter. They try to be humorous, but nothing even comes close to producing a chuckle, unless you count embarrassment that you are actually listening to this thing. Lots of people hate the cover, but I think it’s the most redeeming quality of this LP. Otherwise, avoid.
Reason for report