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Lil Wayne has cumulatively been getting worse and worse over a number of years now, and you'd think that this has to be the tipping point as much of this is purely unlistenable. Whether it be song ruining features, or his own projects over the last few years, every second bar seems to be some corny punchline or sex metaphor that has gotten to the point of being incredibly annoying and/or terrible. Just to give you an example, this is the kind of stuff we're dealing with on the hook of 'Wowzers' - "My dick is a AK/My tongue go BDDDDDDD." When I started playing the album, I thought to myself, I wonder how long it will take for Wayne to rap about sex, and bang, just as I finished the thought, there it was. He has always kind of been obsessed with it, but it seems that it has continued to snowball, as he has either become lazy, or ran out of things to rap about. If anyone has written a rap or freestyled, they'd know that sex is really the simplest thing to spit about, however, there really aren't that many places to go with it. The song titles on this album are just there a lot of the time to differentiate between the tracks, as once you get into them, lyrically there is very little distinction present. Even on the cloud rappy 'God Bless Amerika' where it seems like Wayne is kind of getting deep in the first verse, he kicks of the second with: "Back to life back to reality/been eating my girl and she so sweet, got cavities"... He can't help himself and this isn't even an original line. And other lines in that verse just show he ran out of anything with substance to say fairly quickly The production is solid for the most part. Some beats bang and got me tapping my toes or moving my hand up and down with the beat, but as mentioned with the lyrics being terrible, not to mention some bad use of autotune, Wayne makes it hard to enjoy them. If you love the way Wayne raps, maybe you will still enjoy this, but I don't think that I would even be able to enjoy listening to my favourite rappers like Nas, Scarface, T-Rock, Cube, and so on, if this is the repetitive lyrical performance, to put it kindly, that they brought to the table. I'd only recommend this to big stans/fans of Tunechi. I really hope that this doesn't do the numbers that Wayne's projects normal do, with fans waking up to Wayne's garbage, and Wayne then realising that what he has been making since 'Like Father Like Son' in my opinion, and probably since 'Tha Carter 3/4' in most people's opinion, has been mostly dreadful music. Best Tracks: Days and Days, Gunwalk, God Bless Amerika
Reason for report