4 • 0
Firstly, the intros on the bookends are amazing. As this was the world's introduction to Barry White, it's fitting that he sounds like he is almost having an orgasm on the intro to the opener given the baby making music he made. It's got a little more funk, sounding Isaac Hayes influenced, compared to his future more soulful albums. I've gone through his whole discography, and keeping in mind that it does only have five songs, I'd say along with 'Can't Get Enough' and 'Rhapsody In White', that this is his most consistently great project from front to back. 1. Standing in the Shadows of Love ★★★★☆ 2. Bring Back My Yesterday ★★★★☆ 3. I've Found Someone ★★★★ 4. I've Got So Much to Give ★★★☆ 5. I'm Gonna Love You Just a Little More Baby ★★★★★ Best Tracks: Standing in the Shadows of Love, Bring Back My Yesterday, I'm Gonna Love You Just a Little More Baby
Reason for report