3.31 • 0
While listening to this, like many others who have reviewed the album, aspects of it definitely feel like an imitation of Kanye's 808s. So given I didn't even enjoy that much, and this is a step down from that, it is no surprise that I don't like this album. The largest flaw with this is Cudi's voice. Vocally I don't find him interesting to listen to at all, he is just pretty damn boring to be honest and comes off as quite whiny. Some of the beats are likewise, uninteresting. However, some of the production leaves me thinking that I would rather this as an instrumental album, as it has some interesting themes and samples amongst it, and it wouldn't make bad background music. Even the best tracks below are nowhere near great and after a few listens I can't find one song that I think I would search for to play again. If you really enjoyed '808's and Heartbreaks' give this a try, but otherwise it's definitely not an essential hip hop release. Cool album art though. Best Tracks: Soundtrack 2 My Life, Heart of a Lion, Day 'n' Nite, Sky Might Fall, Cudi Zone, Hyyerr
Reason for report