3.25 • 0
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If anyone has come across the couple of other Wu albums I've reviewed, they would know I'm not the biggest fan of them and their associated artists as nothing I've heard I've really loved. Anyway, with this album, given my feelings on past Wu, I'm pretty happy with it. While much of it for me is just okay-good, there is some quality amongst it and I've got out of it what I expected to if not a tad more. It kicks off with the four guys trading lines in 'House of Flying Daggers' and then 'Sonny's Missing' sort of follows the same flow a good song but a bit below the preceding one. After the short track 'Pyrex Vision', it begins to heat up and then the enjoyment intensifies. 'Cold Outside' is good and then you get the best run of tracks to 'New Wu' which are all quality. From there it's a mix of good and okay tracks for me until my favourite in 'We Will Rob You'. I mentioned in my review of Mos Def's 'The Ecstatic', that Slick Rick needs to drop another album and this furthers those feelings. Even by just doing the chorus and adding his Children's Story theme to it, he adds a lot to the track. From there the Dre & Mark Batson produced track is disappointing. The beat sounds like stuff Dre has done a million times and I'm not feeling Busta's verse on it. From there, 'Mean Street' ain't bad and 'Kiss the Ring' is a good way to finish the album and fits into the category entitled best tracks. Overall, 'Only Built 4 Cuban Linx... Pt II' is closer to a 3.5 than a 2.5 out of 5 and would probably get that rating if a couple of the so-so tracks were up there with the tracks below. If you're a fan of Raewkon and the Wu, I think you would enjoy most of this so check it out. If not a huge fan like myself, it's still worth a listen. Best Tracks: Black Mozart, Gihad, New Wu, Canal Street, We Will Rob You, Kiss the Ring
Reason for report