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Before listening to this, all I'd known of Lil Dicky/Dave was hearing a freestyle or two and seeing a couple of episodes of his TV show, 'Dave'. On a site where talentless and generic artists who have nothing to offer apart from their T&A have respectable ratings, this is what we decide to zero-bomb with over 70% of ratings being 0-9/100? I, too, shake my head at some of the content and bars on this (there is of course too much penis stuff), but on the flip side, there is some interesting subject matter and engaging storytelling. The fact that 'Harrison Ave' has a rating of 24/100 says it all. With its classic boom bap beat, that feels like it could've been a Kanye beat in the early-mid '00s, and Dicky just rapping about his first love, it just proves that this was just attacked by the hater bandwagon. Some of the beats are quite generic and there are some skips, but it's not an 8/100. I spun this over five times and enjoyed enough of it to give it a decent rating. Beats: ★★★ Rapping/Bars: ★★★☆ Hooks: ★★★ Best Tracks: Ally's Song, Harrison Ave, Burst, Second Coming, Going Grey, Jail (Part 1), We Good
Reason for report