Raising Hell 1986 Album
2.5 • 0
The first two tracks work well. I don't get the fuss with the inadvertent advertisement that is 'My Adidas'. 'Walk This Way' apparently caused Run to lose some of their core fan-base as it was seen as selling out, but it bangs and is one of the best songs they were involved in. While the first number of songs sound like they were moving the sound ahead of the earlier albums, 'Is It Live', and 'Perfection' to a greater extent, don't offer anything new on the boards, and the remainder of the album doesn't either being a lot of drums and nothing else. Overall, I'd take 'King of Rock' over this. Beats: ★★☆ Rapping/Bars: ★★★☆ Hooks: ★★☆ Best Track: Peter Piper, It's Tricky, Walk This Way
Reason for report