Rebirth 2010 Album
0.75 • 0
As a rock fan, I had hopes that this could be good. It is not. Sure, some of the instrumentation is decent, such as the heavy guitars on The Price is Wrong, the more melodic sound of Knockout, and the bouncy drums on Get a Life. However, even songs that could've been good get ruined by Lil Wayne's terrible autotuned singing. Also, the lyrics on this album suck. There are multiple songs on here where bad boy player Lil Wayne complains about getting his heart broken, and it feels really insincere. Then there are the songs where Lil Wayne talks about standard rap cliches over rock instrumentation. The only decent song on here is Drop the World, but even that gets hurt a bit by Lil Wayne's basic flow. Everyone pray that Wayne never makes a rock album again.
Reason for report