Recovery 2010 Album
3 • 0
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I really like Eminem as a rapper, you cannot doubt that he is one of the best, but with some of his albums I get the same feeling as I get about 40-50 minutes into it. With this album by '25 to Life'/'So Bad' I start feeling like I've heard this before and begin to lose interest. It kicks off well with the first three tracks just being great excuses to hear Eminem spit fire. 'Won't Back Down' at track four is the first blip on the radar and doesn't do much for me along with 'W.T.P.' But then through until 'Almost Famous' and when I start to get a touch bored with this it is all fairly solid-good tracks. Nothing on this really comes close to his best tracks and something about the production leaves a lil to be desired for me. Best Tracks: Going Through Changes, Not Afraid.
Reason for report