Samurai 2024 Album
3.5 • 0
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At only 30 minutes in length, this is a cohesive jazz rap project from Lupe, BUT there is nothing wowing me. His rapping on albums like 'Tetsuo & Youth' is more noteworthy and he has many more rounded, well written songs with more replay value throughout his discography. Some of the sounds here feel somewhat like songs from 'The Cool' and 'Food & Liquor' with the title track most feeling like 'The Cool' era. I like everything, but for me to give an album a rating nearing 4/5, I need some songs that I'm going to play on repeat. Beats: ★★★☆ Rapping/Bars: ★★★★☆ Hooks: ★★☆ Best Tracks: Samurai, Mumble Rap, Cake, No. 1 Headband, Til Eternity
Reason for report