Stay Hungry 1984 Album
3.83 • 0
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Though I hung up my metalhead ways years ago, I can still appreciate the simple check-your-brain-at-the-door joys of this hilariously over-the-top pop-evil masterpiece. You know the hits. But everything here is great. "The Price" is a cool moody ballad. "Burn In hell" is my favorite. Not a month goes by when I don't hear it in my head: 'You're gonna burn in hell!" Great 80's nostalgia.
Revisiting Stay Hungry after all these years does bring a smile to my face, but one can also understand why they were such a flash-in-the-pan outfit. Like Quiet Riot and Kiss, the phenomenon was mainly visual, and outside of the hit songs (and I will admit "Were Not Gonna Take It" was an iconic single) this was a lot of hype and controversy stirred up in part by the band itself.
Reason for report