Take Care 2011 Album
3.06 • 0
All Reviews
I don't understand the love this is receiving. First, let's touch on Drake's vocals. He can rap, but his voice can be grating. He really needed more features on this for it to be enjoyable. He often sings as we know to the point of this being an R&B album as much as it is a hip hop one, but his singing is very limited and his range does not stretch far at all, which means that a lot of these songs where he is singing don't build up, therefore become boring. Lyrically, it's fairly same-same for me. I drank too much, screwed a few chicks and so on. It starts to get whiny early on. And there are times when he does get macho, but it really doesn't come anywhere close to being pulled off because everything else is so soft. The beats... Again like the lyrics, they become boring too often. There are a few ones that spark my interest - For example 'Under Ground Kings' and 'Lord Knows' feel like something from the middle of the Just Blaze produced tracks from Saigon's album, 'The Greatest Story Never Told', but other than that, they've left me feeling underwhelmed. Overall, I'm not feeling this one. His debut was surprisingly okay and I prefer that more as it actually has a few tracks to keep in the playlist, but this really doesn't suit my tastes despite being a big fan of R&B as well as hip hop. Best Tracks: Over My Dead Body, Under Ground Kings, Lord Knows, HYFR
Reason for report