Tha Carter II 2005 Album
3.75 • 0
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The first song is too long with the beat not being interesting enough. From there, it's pretty solid until 'Mo Fire' which is a turn off, but thankfully you don't have to wait long for another good track, with 'Best Rapper Alive' being one of the better songs here, allbeit being titled very inaccurately. 'Lock & Load' is filler, 'Oh No' is a touch better with 'Grown Man' being likewise. 'Hit 'Em Up' drops it back again with the album following a bit a pattern. We get some more stand-outs toward the back end though, and the album finishes well, with 'Shooter' offering a nice change up to what is a bit of a same sounding album. In terms of consistency, I find it fairly similar to his previous album, Tha Carter II, however, this does contain a few more standouts to go back to which gives it a slightly better rating from me. I could understand loving this if you dig Lil Wayne more than I do. 3.5-3/5 Best Tracks: Fly In, Best Rapper Alive, Grown Man, Carter II, Hustler Musik, Shooter, I'm a D-Boy, Feel Me, Fly Out
Reason for report