The Master 1999 Album
3.5 • 0
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While some the beats aren't brilliant on Rakim's solo debut released a couple of years prior to this, they drop further here. There is no absolutely brilliant song here and a lot of the beats aren't anything beyond passable. Two producers shine though. 'Real Shit'-which has a beat that sounds like something Canibus would spit over-and 'Uplift', that are produced by Ron Lawrence and The Mighty V.I.C., are among the best. As are 'Waiting for the World to End' and 'When I B on tha Mic', that have beats that you should be able to pick Premo's signature style from the first few seconds. Some good songs, but overall, if anyone other than Rakim was on this it would probably be about one star worse. Best Tracks: When I B on tha Mic, Uplift, Real Shit, Waiting for the World to End
Reason for report