2.5 • 0
A good listen but there is nothing at all memorable to keep for a rainy day. I like Meth as a rapper, he is my favourite from the Wu family, and rides many of these beats really well, but there's nothing catchy. Most beats are decent but I feel they're missing that little something extra to elevate them and the song to the next level. I have often felt that with Wu and Wu affiliated projects though. There are many skits but most are short enough to not disrupt the flow of the album. I don't get the point of Donald Trump insincerely saying he can't wait for the album though... Looking at the list below this may seem like a harsh rating but everything is just decent-good. I'd rather an album with a few stinkers if the high points are great. 2.5-3/5 Best Tracks: Cradle Rock, Dangerous Ground, Shaolin What, Suspect Chin Music, Party Crasher, Snuffed Out, Elements, Judgement Day
Reason for report