Unleashed 2009 Album
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Hurricane Chris' second album begins okay, but it doesn't take long to feel mostly like a collection of generic average pop rap from the era this is from. 'Secret Lover', 'Last Call', and 'Headboard' are all examples of R&B/rap crossover tracks that work okay but aren't anything unique by any stretch. 'Secret Lover' would be better without Chris sounding off beat on his part of the hook. While I don't dislike Chris as a rapper, and he spits well on tracks like 'I Want It' and the opener, there's nothing fresh. At under 40 minutes, it's not a chore to get through, but there is nothing worth keeping. Beats: ★★☆ Rapping/Bars: ★★☆ Hooks: ★★★ Best Tracks: I'm Back, Last Call, Secret Lover
Reason for report