Witness 1973 Album
4 • 0
Mike Kellie returned for one last go-round and the end result is an extremely depressing, truth-seeking, vagabond kind of record which could have only been the product of Gary Wright's songs and this late-period Spooky Tooth lineup. There is a nary a rocker in the song list this time around (excepting "All Sewn Up" - and even that is pushing the envelope tempo-wise), and so the psychedelic ups and downs of a few years ago have been replaced by a resolute, downtrodden attitude, at the expense of everything else. Tracks like "Ocean of Power", "Things Change", "Wings on my Heart", and "Pyramids" appear to mock any semblance of positive energy whatsoever. This is music for people stuck in their deep, dark hole, unable to escape, at the end of their rope, the last resort, seeking kernels of truth, and all of that. Very simple, yet heavy, emotional stuff. Coincidentally, this is also the last album Gary recorded with Mike Harrison in the band, and the combination is magical, even though the manic heights of a few years ago are not even being close to scaled here. They just perform their stuff, as if they both know this is the last time they are combining forces, and I have to say, by the time these two twist and turn their vocals together for the climbing "Pyramids", it is heart-rending. Truly, an album that needs to be witnessed by many more people.
Reason for report