Wrath of Caine 2013 Album
2 • 0
Overall, these trap beats are nothing new (I hope hip hop moves on soon) and a number have chorus issues such as: 'Doesn't Matter', 'Only You Can Tell It'-thanks to the chipmunk vocals-and 'Blocka' which is a bit boring as it is. Even the chorus on 'Trust You' is a bit meh.. Elsewhere Harry Fraud's producer tag continues to irritate me as well, but all in all 'Road Runner' is one of the best songs here. I hope that Pusha can get all it all together for the album as I dig his voice, but based on the quality of his mixtapes, I doubt that we will get anything special. 2-2.5 / 5. Best Tracks: Intro, Millions, Road Runner, Re-Up Gang Motivation, Take My Life
Reason for report