AFL Live 2 2013 Game
3 • 0
While it has never been a massive issue with AFL games, the graphics look really good here and each stadium is extremely authentic. The teams, including licensed VFL and TAC Cup teams are also worthy additions. The gameplay still just hasn't made the leaps forward one would hope though and I'm still waiting for one of my most loved sports to be given a great video game. The AI is still stupid, in some cases more so than before and the game just gets so frustrating when trying to play on the hardest difficulty. The biggest problem is the way your teammates move when you have the ball when you want them to spread into space and the space left for the opponents to take uncontested marks. You're left shouting, 'how did they get so free!' While Australian rules football has become more like rugby over the past decades with more and more players around the ball, it is probably overkill here even more. It should be easier to get a clearance kick out from stoppages to limit the amount of ball ups. I have a feeling this could be built on, but I was saying it over 10 years ago with AFL games. 3-2.5.
Reason for report