AMY 2012 Game
2 • 0
This got absolutely destroyed by critics upon its original release. Having only played the patched version I am not sure how terrible it was, but the list of changes, such as more checkpoints, would've been vast improvements. Amy is the daughter of Lana, who is the character the gamer controls. Through interactions between the two, Amy also becomes an integral part of the game, either by crawling through a hole that only she can fit through, to help press an elevator button or use her special powers-which include healing Lana. This is the first problem of this game. Getting Amy to do certain tasks is frustrating. The developers probably should've just let the player control her. Overall it's a difficult game as well. While checkpoints were added, there probably still are not enough The puzzles are also confusing and not very exciting, and the slow movement at times of Lana makes an impatient person want to scream. Graphically it does bear more resemblance perhaps to the best of PS2 than PS3, but it suits the style and does nothing to ruin the experience. The combat system works fine, better than some other revered survival horror games and isn't an issue here. Overall for a game that was released for the bargain price of $10, and I bought for $3, it's not a horrible gaming experience, but just has a number of small flaws that probably won't make someone eager to finish every chapter on offer. Gameplay 2.5/5 Graphics 3/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 3.5/5 Originality 3.5/5
Reason for report