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Stays true to the movie, Back to the Future Part III, in the four levels it offers. The first is one where you play as Doc riding a horse trying to reach Clara before she runs out of land. The obstacles you need to jump, shoot and evade come up too quickly and I can't think of any way to complete this unless you memorised the order of evade/jump/shoot etc for the whole level, or you have superhuman reactions. Then thanks to the level select cheat you might control Marty. The aim here is to shoot at that arcade shooting gallery type of thing that he did in the film. This one isn't as hard but because the directions are so sensitive it's still a slog to complete. Moving on is Marty throwing flying plates at baddies. And the last level, which is probably the most fun, is again with Marty on the top of a train dodging baddies and street poles among other things to reach the end and go back to the future. Overall, there is variety, but if you were gamer of the century this would take probably 20 minutes to complete and you'd be done with the game, and for others, they would probably spend twenty minutes on the first level and toss the cartridge in the bin. Gameplay 1.5/5 Graphics 3/5 Sound 3/5 Difficulty .5/5 Originality 2.5/5
Reason for report