DOOM 2016 Game
4.14 • 0
Doom's back, feeling closer to its roots than its predecessor, Doom 3, with enjoyable almost run and gun, non-stop shootouts. It looks great, controls fantastic and does what it sets out to do well. There are customisations available, allowing the player to decide what weapons and skills to upgrade, secrets to find and some side-tasks to complete to unlock extra skills. I played this through to finish it, but I never had mega-long sessions of it. It is very similar throughout its entirety and does get repetitive. As you progress, more challenging monsters appear, but, bosses aside, you basically fight the same ones all the way through. While I understand that the setting of Mars somewhat constrains the environments available, the setting doesn't offer a lot of freshness as you move on either. I also generally don't like platforming in first-person, that this features a fair bit of between the fights. I probably died more/became more frustrated trying to work out what I can jump to/where to go than I did during the gunfights. If you like frantic first-person shooters you'll enjoy this. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 4/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 4/5 Originality 3.5/5
Reason for report