L.A. Noire 2011 Game
3.92 • 0
From the developers of the GTA franchise, this game puts the gamer in the shoes of a war hero turned detective trying to crack cases in the 1940s in LA. The gameplay is best described as GTA with some Law and Order thrown in, and although way more linear than GTA, the investigatory aspects make it an interesting game. However, this isn't quite implemented to perfection, as looking for items/clues can become a process of walking around and continually pressing X at times, and while a good idea, working out if a suspect/person of interest is telling the truth or lying doesn't work flawlessly. Graphically the facial animation in this game is easily the best and most realistic I have seen in a video game. All the main characters are truly given their own personality. The one negative in this regard though, is many of the second string females in the game who all look really really similar.
Reason for report