Marvel's Avengers 2020 Game
2 • 0
After a couple of hours of this, I was pretty much over it. My first surprise was that it seems like the main character is Kamala Khan, who, to be honest, I don't think I'd ever heard of. The platforming is extremely repetitive, linear and boring. The fighting portions are fairly easy without the mechanics/combos/etc of, let's say the Arkham series. The bits of stealth are simplistic once you know where to go. Technically, I don't know how buggy the game is, but I also got stuck in a wall throughout my first hour or so of play. There are some nice set AAA set pieces, and being able to play as a number of the Avengers will be a highlight for some, but similar titles like the Arkham series or Spider-Man have a lot more going for them.
Reason for report