Muppet RaceMania 2000 Game
4.5 • 0
An enjoyable kart racing game featuring all the muppets with some humour from the characters that also come in the form of unlockable videos from the muppet films that add to that. The tracks are inspired by the films and feature some shortcuts that help you master them. Like CTR, the adventure mode allows for hours and hours of play that takes some patience and time to complete and extends the games longevity considerably. Along with basic racing, there is also a battle mode and a platform like mode. I loved this game and enjoy going back to it. In terms of kart games on the PS1, CTR probably has better driving physics and weapons-the biggest flaw this game has is probably the lack of weapons as there are only four of them-but this is a more challenging game and takes many more hours to master. Gameplay 4.5/5 Graphics 4/5 Sound 4.5/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 4/5
Reason for report