ONRUSH 2018 Game
3.5 • 0
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Thanks to 'ONRUSH' being given a free weekend I was able to try this (I have since purchased it). I had been eager to give it a try as what I'd seen and heard made it seem like my kind of game but I wasn't willing to pay for it fresh out the gate. Apparently this didn't sell very well leading to layoffs in the development company. It's a shame games keep being released as unfinished products. They wonder why some flop, and it's a shame because it's a fun and addictive cooperative game with some real originality that is a feature that is commonly lacking from video games. However, what does let it down is the depth of content. While I went back for more, after giving this a few hours I didn't have a lot more to explore. I'd played some of the solo campaign, many matches online and that was that. There are four modes of play: - Overdrive. The aim here is for you and your team to get as many points as quickly as possible by building up your boost and using it to be the first to reach the points target. - Switch. This is knockout with a twist. You have to try to be on the team that has the last man standing to not be taken out 3 times, using all of the switches up. - Lockdown. In front of you is a target to try to stay in with the most vehicles. If you do that long enough you take the zone and a point. - Countdown. This one is the most like a race. There are gates to go through. The quicker you can do that, the more time gets added to your team's total. The first team to have no time left loses. As mentioned, the strength is the originality. The modes feature a twist on the vehicular combat/arcade racing genre making them competitive and fun. Switch and Overdrive are my pick from the modes. Lockdown is my least favourite. At times you just feel incapable of catching up to the zone before a round is over and have no impact on a round or two. The online matchmaking is extremely fast, although part of the reason for the pace is that it doesn't wait to find all of or even most human players, so you are stuck with AI as teammates or opponents fairly regularly. Ranked mode wasn't there when I started playing this but has since been added as have other features. Gameplay 4/5 Graphics 3.5/5 Sound 3/5 Difficulty 4/5 Originality 4/5
Reason for report