1.5 • 0
The publishers of this originally cancelled game, apparently refused to let reviewers have a copy to look at prior to its release. I can see why. The game is set in 1969 revolving around bikies, with the protagonist returning from Vietnam, and it starts off interestingly enough. However, it does not take long before the story skips over parts basically from the beginning. The controls are odd. Apart from editing a file in the game's directory, there is no way to modify the graphical settings, and even then there seemed to be no change. The graphics aren't far from what you'd expect from a game about 10 years ago. Most pertinent of all though, the gameplay is lacking. It is basically split between third person shooting/fighting and motorcycling levels, that are uncreative, feeling like something from Road Rash, and would have been a lot better if the levels were more open. It isn't small either, taking up 16 gigs of your hard drive. While containing a good idea or two, it feels unfinished. Gameplay 2/5 Graphics 2.5/5 Sound 3/5 Difficulty 4/5 Originality 2.5/5
Reason for report