Until Dawn 2015 Game
3.94 • 0
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I had my eye on this game since I first heard about it. Some of my favourite games of late have been ones that give the player chances to make decisions and change the course of the game. Once the price was reduced I snapped it up. Not that it is that similar but I thought of the in/famous Night Trap while I played this. Something about teenagers together at night in a house without deep gameplay I guess. That is its biggest flaw like many of these kinds of games. But it is what it is. The strengths of the characters, the ability to make decisions, often with fatal consequences and the plot for the most part make it well worth playing. The fact that many decisions need to be made quickly test your ability to act under pressure. I killed one of the characters making the wrong choice and I was ropeable. It definitely ticks the emotive box. In terms of horror, it works well. Not all of the attempts to scare worked but enough did. It doesn't always happen with this genre either, or many games for me that I've completed but I've played this through another couple of times as well to make different choices. If you like this genre and don't mind being on edge it's recommended. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 4.5/5 Sound 4.5/5 Difficulty 4/5 Originality 4.5/5
Reason for report