Ambulance 2022 Movie
3.3 • 0
All Reviews
(2h16) 2h20 2h25 2h30 2h35 2h40 2h45 2h50 2h55 3h 3h05 3h10 3h15 3h20
The biggest issue this has, not unlike other Michael Bay films, is the overuse of comedy. Not only does the comedy not work too well here, it reduces the potential immersion the viewer could feel into the drama the movie creates. Much of it was just out of place as well. An early plot problem was how Danny didn't have a driver 5 minutes before the heist. I don't recall this being explained. That aside, after about 15 or so minutes to orient the viewer, it's basically non-stop action for the remainder of the duration. If you went in knowing who directed this, nothing should've been too surprising.
Reason for report