Baby Driver 2017 Movie
3.98 • 0
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Ansel Elgort is a bad actor
While most viewers will have some sympathy for the situation Baby finds himself in, he isn't a very likeable character. For one, there is nothing more annoying than people who play air instruments. I get that they bonded over music, but Baby's and Deb's relationship wasn't built on enough, nor do we learn enough about Deb, for anyone to take such a risk and still go with Baby when she does. It reminded me of Purple Rain that I rewatched recently, where after just meeting him, Prince's love interest gets on a motorbike with him and they travel to a remote area. Nevertheless, this is carried by a unique enough plot, engaging and attractive co-stars, and some unexpected turn of events. 3.5-3/5.
Baby Driver is a sexy movie because Edgar Wright. The soundtrack is perfect, how it’s incorporated into the movie is so satisfying to watch, and the amount of details in every scene and every shot is amazing. The fact that Edgar Wright isn’t considered to be one of the greats is astounding.
Reason for report