Bulletproof 2 2020 Movie
1.5 • 0
An unexpected sequel where the change in casting is explained by saying Adam Sandler and Damon Wayans were actors playing the real Jack and Archie, which, in this film, Kirk's character takes umbrage at a Jew playing him. Long story short, the main characters are reunited in an attempt to take down a cartel. Archie becomes involved after Jack pretends to be him at the start of the film where everything goes wrong putting the real Archie in danger. There are one or two laughs, mainly due to Archie's dirty quips, that go above and beyond what we got in the original, but it seems quite forced at times, particularly from other characters. The plot is basic and is filled with gratuitous profanity, nudity and violence. With the acting, Kirk seems like he cares but Faizon can't act or was told to play the character in a too laid-back fashion, because it seems like he phoned it in at times and is never a believable cop, and I don't just think it's the weight issue.
Reason for report