3.07 • 0
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(1h58) 2h 2h05 2h10 2h15 2h20 2h25 2h30 2h35 2h40 2h45 2h50 2h55
This movie has everything great and everything shit from romcoms. The bad: •Those scenes where main character A stands up in the middle of a room and talks about how love sucks because they had a bad experience and if for one second you think about another person’s perspective it’s fucking awkward. It’s preaching for assholes. •Those scenes similar to those except towards the end and in a positive light, where main character says “I used to believe love is so and so but now I realise blah blah blah” and goes on about personal experience with love in a completely irrelevant circumstance. •Cringe humour that’s intended to be humour but it’s just pure cringe. •Guy who just wont back off in pursuing girl who’s not interested and gets creeped out but it ends up working anyway •Those big romantic gestures that if done in real life to someone not currently partnered up with them then it’s creepy, and if they are then it’s cool but unnecessary but in movies always work The good: •Moments between people having wholesome fun while still intimate •Those ridiculous everyone fighting over girl scenes •40 year old virgin situation of middle aged guy becoming player •Steve Carrel Overall it’s funny but it has a lot of moments that drag it down. It also covers themes of miscommunication at the beginning pretty well.
Reason for report