Da 5 Bloods 2020 Movie
3.89 • 0
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This movie is just all over the place... Like a stream of Spike Lee's consciousness put partly together in a motion picture with a plot, almost like a dream. The violence is a mix of shock and (unintentional?) comedy. As expected, Black nationalist themes are all over, the film's gotta' be woke. So, a bunch of old vets get the genius idea to go backpacking for gold in one of the world's only surviving communist states, venturing without a guide into the inhospitable tropical jungle, filled with snakes, howling unidentified hairy predators, and leftover mines from 'Nam. What could possibly go wrong? All that negativity aside, it's got some good moments, and is shot beautifully. I enjoyed it, even if it was pretty out there.
Reason for report