Ferrari 2023 Movie
2.33 • 0
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According to what I've read, Ferrari's future didn't really depend on winning the Mille Miglia. If that's true, surely there was enough non-fictional drama in Enzo's life to choose from that we didn't need the fantasy. Nevertheless, even with the ending seeming like it was somewhat rushed, I enjoyed the film. However, it does make me ask questions about the on-going double standards of the easy offended brigade. If a heterosexual actor is cast as a homosexual person everyone is up in arms. If a white person is cast as a black figure, as above. If a white person is cast as a Hispanic person, the twitter fingers go wild. A skinny actor plays a fat person, OMG! But here we go again, just like Mario, we have an Italian icon and others cast as non-Italians and no one cared. The selective outrage continues.
Reason for report