Gran Turismo 2023 Movie
2.5 • 0
Car porn for fans with some lovely looking automobiles to gaze at and engine-gasmic audio to match. Apart from [spoiler alert] Jann crashing and killing the spectator, nothing surprises too much, although to be fair, with these kind of movies, the plot is generally by the numbers. The racing is incredibly unrealistic as well. You can't gain seconds in one lap unless you're in an F1 car and the other racers are in a mini. It doesn't happen, yet in nearly every race that he is successful in, Jann catches up way too quickly in too short a space of time. His PTSD from the accident also gets cured too easily by Jack, his racing engineer, mid-race by playing him some music and yelling at him. At times, the movie does feel like too much of an advertisement for the game as well. I guess that is in the name though. There was some decent emotion added between Jann and his dad and being based on a true story, and fairly accurately retold at that, is a plus. The racing is fairly well shot as well and looks authentic. Any time a movie features Moby's 'God Moving Over the Face of the Waters' you can't help but like it a little more. Overall, it's a fairly generic underdog sports film, but is entertaining enough for racing enthusiasts. 2.5-3/5.
Reason for report