Jumanji 1995 Movie
3.69 • 0
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This movie aged like milk. The cgi is terrible. The monkeys look like that one monkey from toy story 3 with the eyes popping out of its head and the symbols. The mosquitoes looked weird, the lions and rhinos and elephants looked... weirdly good but the rest were terrible. The make up for when the kid turns into the monkey thing looks like the mike Myers cat in the hat. And the acting. Ohhhh the acting. Everything the child actors said or did made me want to puke. The rest were just okay, apart from Robin Williams. (Not even just saying because he passed away and being respectful, he’s legitimately the only good actor) Now for the pros. You wouldn’t expect it, but almost all of the jokes land. The story was pretty original for the time. It’s a very cute movie, with lots of nice moments, I definitely wouldn’t call them touching even though they’re intended to be, but they’re nice. But overall, while it’s a pretty badly made movie, it’s a fun watch with a star studded cast which later on have an excuse for Jack Black to play a teenaged girl so honestly I’m all for that.
Reason for report