Law Abiding Citizen 2009 Movie
3.33 • 0
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There's about one humorous moment in the entire film, "That's what wrenches are for, dumbass!" The rest of the film takes itself way too seriously, but is still a slick action/thriller film. Ending was just awful. A big issue in the film and part of the reason why it's hard to take seriously is that the "villain" (more of an "anti-villain") relies on a masterplan that has way too many potential points of failure... And if it does fail, it's game over-no flexibility and virtually no room for error. The main plot was so inconceivable to the point of being totally ludicrous. This would be fine if the film wasn't so serious about itself, but it is... From the opening scenes right to the end. Accusations that this film is merely torture porn are misleading. Comparing this film to the likes of SAW is like comparing Teletubbies to The Human Centipede. While some scenes may make you squirm and cringe in anticipation, nothing all that graphic or prolonged is shown. If anything, it's very tame considering its subject matter. This isn't a criticism however, the action and death scenes are still entertaining without being needlessly exploitative. You can watch easily on a full stomach. Strong performances from both the main stars and lots of good lines, but the plot does them no *ahem* justice.
Reason for report