Movie 43 2013 Movie
3.04 • 0
All Reviews
It's watchable because it's an anthology film, with many skits, but most are really poor. I think that I saw a couple walk out after the first skit. Did these acclaimed actors like Kate Winslet read the script before taking this on? 0.5-1 The Catch 1.5/5 Homeschooled 1/5 The Proposition 0.5/5 Veronica 0.5/5 iBabe 1.5/5 Superhero Speed Dating 1/5 Machine Kids 2/5 Middleschool Date 0.5/5 Tampax 0.5/5 Happy Birthday 1/5 Truth or Dare 1.5/5 Victory’s Glory 3/5
Reason for report