2.32 • 0
Ugh....yet another childish piece of shit Disney cartoon in the era of putrid made-for-TV bombs like Descendants without any story or any characters or any voice acting worth a damn, or any respect for world-building. Only this one has the gall to go all unapologetically corporate (I could care less that that IS essentially Disney at its roots) and try to impose what the future of this planet should be like a la Ready Player One from the same year of release (a 'movie' which blows too)......predictably, digitized content overruling everything with mindless site garbage like IMDb, and likely Rotten Tomatoes, somehow managing to cling on in the years ahead. Because the House of Mouse doesn't respect your audience intelligence (even that of little kids) or anything remotely worthwhile to the common citizen, everything has to be spoonfed to you as usual with all the subtlety and intolerability and silly messaging of forcibly hand-feeding pigs at a trough. i.e. "The bunny gets the pancakes, while the kitty gets the milkshakes!" Yuck. Could they even have faintly tried to make sense of how Ralph being a big dumb 'lovable' (not) oaf (at least as dumb as Disney today) of a game character is able to weave himself across any media which hosts graphical data? Because normally game graphics are not able to shift into Internet features. No, of course not! Easier not to be worthwhile, to be nonsensical, to be boring as sin, and offensively gayish/cartoonish/dramatic at all that which is the path and fate Disney retards/retard fans have chosen. I wanted to punch everyone in the throat minimum by the end of this shitheap of a sequel involved in the making of it which can't begin to understand the meaning of family fun or its own title, which also makes no sense. Forget boycotts or demanding trash like this gets unmade and apologized for. Why does nobody suitably equipped have the balls to firebomb the Walt Disney Company already and put it out of its misery? These lunatic rat cartoons clearly are not willing to ever stop perpetrating their total sellout, idiotic snot propaganda (such as games made with advanced graphics engines must obviously be termed 'video games') that are so last century, completely out of touch. Call it a textbook case of an evil minion company at large like Disney equal to a Peter Pan, refusing to grow up, to evolve. 2/10
Reason for report