Red And Friends: All Hell Breaks Loose is a 2003 Canadian adult animated musical comedy film based on the animated sitcom Red And Friends. It was directed by Natalie Splavec, written by Splavec, Jennifer Howell, Matt Groening, Jason McHugh, and Shauna Marley. and produced by Splavec and McHugh. It stars Jennifer Howell, Natalie Splavec, Kristen Schaal, Mona Marshall, April Stewart, Eric Stough, Eminem, John Stamos, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Adam Splavec, Sally Howell, Tyrone Stanton, Adrien Beard, Meg Splavec, Andrew Kishino, and Jason McHugh, and additional voices by executive producer Matt Groening, Alan Tudyk, Dan Castellaneta, Yeardley Smith, and Seth MacFarlane.
Stan Marsh / Eric Cartman / Bradley Larsen / Mr. Garrison / Clyde Donovan / Mr. Mackey / Daniel Tanner / Skeeter McArthur / Stephen Stotch / Alexei Kovacs / Oleg Kovacs / Jonathan Rudich / Alan Rudich / Tommy Turner / Officer Barbrady / Tupac / Additional Voices (Voice)