Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 Movie
3.4 • 0
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I grew up with the Mega Drive and Sonic was played heavily. With that, it's pleasing to see the iconic video game mascot being represented with an above-average movie. I thought this was an easy watch. It never stood still for too long, the success rate with the comedy was high and nothing surprised me about how Sonic was portrayed, which is a good thing as it played true to the character (thank God they fixed his appearance!) Robotnik on the other hand, not so much, but it was probably to do with his fit physique as much as anything. Maybe he'll get fat for the sequel? As the credits were rolling I thought about the sequel and said to myself that they'll have to include Tails, and seconds later, he appeared on screen! The last movie I watched before this was 'Detective Pikachu' and I found this to be much more engaging. Good for what it was trying to be.
Reason for report