"The Creepy Man" is a 1981 psychological horror film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick and written by Kubrick and Andrew Birkin, and stars Natalie Splavec, Jon Voight, Rita Hayworth, Meryl Streep, Bob Saget, and Gary Coleman. David Kurtz (Jon Voight), an alcoholic who abuses his wife and son. Janet Kurtz (Rita Hayworth), an overprotective mother who frequently keeps track of her son. Main protagonist Stan Kurtz (Natalie Splavec), a 9-year old who dreams about nightmares and is afraid to sleep in the dark. Olivia Garrison (Meryl Streep), is the housekeeper of the Kurtzs and keeps track of things. Daniel Garrison (Bob Sagat), is the husband of Olivia who has been at war with David for many years because he believes that David is abusing his family. Kevin Anderson (Gary Coleman), is the Kurtz neighbor and best friend of Stan.